What Students Say About Writing Coaches of America's Coaching Program
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"Seriously, I learned more in one session than I did all of last year in English class."
- C.W.
"Why doesn’t everyone teach grammar this way?"
- V.A.
"The skills I learned taught me become a better writer."
- A.D.

"Thanks, Mom! This is so good for me. It's making things so much easier. And I'm learning stuff I've never seen that I should have been exposed to."
- C.G.

“This is so helpful.”
- S.V.

"If someone would have taught me how to write like this ten years ago, writing would have been a class I loved instead of one I dreaded."
- J.S.

"We essentially covered the same amount of grammar and writing techniques in a few hours that students learn in an entire school year."
- M.S.

"I wish I had found this program in 9th grade. My grades would have been very different."
- D.P.

"My coach was great at explaining English terms and rules. He definitely advanced my English skills, as shown in my school assignments. He was also nice and very friendly."
- M.S.

"The tutoring sessions offered an exciting and fun experience to introducing new grammar concepts as well as solidifying older ones. I learned plenty of new and old tricks to employ in my writing and grammar; furthermore, I improved my grammar and writing skills through the lessons."
- A.R.

"I never thought that I was so behind in the grammatical rules of writing. My coach has taught me every grammar rule in the book, and I use them whenever possible. Tutoring with her has allowed me to become advanced with my writing and decrease my grammatical errors. My friends even get annoyed with me when I correct them on their grammar during text conversations. I enjoy showing off what I have learned."
- T.J.

"The sessions helped to boost my confidence."
- E.G.

"A very fluid and need-based tutoring experience . . . helping me develop my essay writing skills and strengthen my structure and argument."
- R.K.

"In just three short lessons, I learned more than I did in an entire semester of my business communications course at Florida State University. Using the materials provided to me, I will continue to practice and grow as a writer in the business world."
- H.F., College Graduate

"This program has tremendously helped me improve my writing and grammar skills by sending me the best learning tools with ample amounts of examples and quizzes. Starting at the basics and then moving along through the tricky grammar rules, I believe my coach has bettered my writing for the rest of my life."
- K.M.
What Parents Say About Writing Coaches of America's Coaching Program
Click here to find out what students are saying »
"One of the best investments we've ever made."
- T.D.
"This was an effective, efficient way to move my child's writing skills to the next level."
- D.W.
"My son has told me his coach is the very best writing teacher he has ever had!"
- D.G.

"We cannot thank you enough for making our three kids such good writers."
- A.C.

"WCA's program (or magic?!!) has brought my child to a whole new level of English reading/writing. I am beyond appreciative."
- N.P.

"English was never my son's best subject. He always considered himself a 'math and science guy.' Once his aptitude for math was identified, Writing Coaches of America began to teach him formulas for writing and grammar presented as it equates to any formula in math. We were flabbergasted, speechless and completely thrilled when his English scores returned with a 35! He now considers himself a 'writing and language arts guy' too! Their commitment to individualized instruction and dedication to modifying the program to meet the needs of each child is what truly makes this program unique--and well worth the cost!"
- H.S.

"I wish I could clone my son's coach for every subject."
- A.C.

"These sessions really benefitted my son on the Extended Essay and other IB writing assignments."
- C.S.

"My son's writing score went from the 44th percentile to the 88th after working with his coach. With each session, he came away with a greater understanding of how to develop and write a strong essay. While his confidence in writing increased, the true results showed in his test scores."
- S.H.

"My husband and I had occasion to overhear some of the sessions. My initial thought was 'I wish I had a teacher like that when I was growing up.' His coach's engaging personality truly make the material interesting and fun, and her level of knowledge is clear and very impressive. She brings a high level of energy to each session, which is so infectious.
- F.L. and L.L.

"After completing his course, my son said, 'Mom, I really enjoyed working with my coach. Please don't stop the lessons!' We do ongoing coaching now, and our son continues to grow."
- A.C.

"Thanks to this program, our son just won an essay contest for his entire junior class! The lessons were so thorough and outstanding that we noticed improvement in our son's writing when he returned to school in the fall. His writing coach gave him the skills he needed to soar on his own. Next we are registering our younger son! This is an invaluable program."
- G.J.

"At last, a phenomenal writing program! My child always struggled with grammar and sentence structure. Her writing coach was amazing at grasping where the issues existed. As my daughter is a concrete learner, I knew this would be a challenge. The moment I realized that this program was so beneficial was when my daughter wrote a compelling note to a teacher. He actually said he was so impressed by how she ‘effectively argued her position.' This was a huge compliment to both her and this program. The tools she has gained will be used for many years to come."
- S.G.